Knees caving in... back rounded... falling forward on your toes... shoulders feel like they are going to dislocate any second now... must be overhead squats in the workouts!!!
Now not all of us fall under this category but there is a high percentage of you that do.
Don't worry... I am here to provide some relief.
Overhead lunges can provide the same benefit as squats but allow you to maintain proper form throughout the workout. Overhead lunges will allow your body to maintain a better stacked position from the bar all the way down to your hip. It allows your knees to maintain a path over your toes as you lunge forward and reach that full range of motion we all desperately strive for. It will also help alleviate that shoulder stress we all come to dread when preparing for overhead squats.
Now don't get me wrong, this is not a quick fix to an obvious mobility issue. You still need to keep on those mobility drills every day to help improve your position.
Being strong in the overhead squat can carry over very well when performing a Snatch. If you don't know what a snatch is then stop reading now and visit your local YouTube video and educate yourself fool!
Now that you're back...
STOP... GET THIS... THERE IS SUCH A THING AS SPLIT SNATCHES!!! Many elite athletes perform split snatches and have had great success in all their Olympic movements. No, this isn't a "scaled" movement for those of you "Rx" guys and gals out there. It is a movement that allows you to throw that weight up over your head and feel comfortable doing it. Still don't believe me... check out this video and come back to me.
If you are interested in learning the split snatch then just ask your Coach! Any CrossFit Coach that has attended the CrossFit Olympic lifting Cert should have been taught how to teach the split snatch. You never know, some of them (Jane) prefer the split snatch and can move some serious weight with it!
I could go on and on for days how much the split snatch can benefit your Olympic Lifts, but I am more of a "do-er" than "see-er" so how about you do the same and give it a shot.
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