Monday, December 23, 2013

12/23/13 Training

Holy moly... Today was a good one:

Back squat: 5x3 (225, 225, 245, 245, 265)
Snatch: 5x1@195
Snatch pulls: 4x2 (225)

Metcon: 12rds + 8
(4 rounds)
In 4 mins row 300m then in the remaining time complete AMRAP of:
3 Deadlits @ 225
7 OH medball situps 20lbs

After spending the weekend in Big Bear, everything felt very heavy today.

Is it too early to start freaking out about the Open yet?!?

Two more weeks on this "Oly" cycle and then its time for some serious heavy endurance programming. Last year was the first year I did the open and it definitely opened my eyes to all sorts of weaknesses. I'm pretty sure we did every open workout at least 3x's. Ridiculous... no! I found that my conditioning was not where it needed to be and technique plays an important role in becoming efficient and conserving energy. I also learned that approaching the workouts with a game plan definitely plays to my favor. Now whether I stick to that game plan or not is a totally different story.

On a different note...

I've started to notice that a lot of the athletes at the gym have been doing extra work either before or after the regular scheduled classes. I highly encourage you to keep it up! If it's that strict pullup, kipping pullup, muscle up, double unders, Snatch, Clean & Jerk, basic strength gains, mobility, or whatever... just keep on truckin' on!! Hard work pays off in the long run.

If you are interested in doing a little extra and need some guidance or you are currently doing a little extra and want some guidance, don't be afraid to check out what your coaches can do for you 1-on-1 or with small group personal training. Our goal is to get the best out of you and then make you better!!

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